Get to know the International Center
10 th April 2024 | 4 pm till 10 pm
The International Center with its associations and university groups will introduce itself - you can expect information stands, a language tandem exchange, a free dance course and the Café International at the end. Discover the many international and intercultural opportunities offered by the University of Jena at the Market of International Opportunities - EC2U (European Campus of City Universities), opportunities to study abroad, the mentoring program of the International Office and many associations. The Café auf der Mauer will provide refreshments.
16:00-18:00 Information stands in the Great hall & Seminar room
18:00-19:00 Language tandem exchange in the Great hall
18:30-21:00 Forró dancing class in the Seminarraum
20:00-22:00 Café International in the Great hall